Today we’re launching our new collection and I couldn’t be more excited! It’s been such a long time coming. I’m so proud of everything we’ve produced so I thought I would write a little about the process, about how we came up with the products, what sort of work goes on behind the scenes, from the initial design ideas, to the photoshoot and everything in between!

February - September 2022: Ideas, Initial Designs, and Sampling
The year began with an idea dump. We went through a sort of product wish-list and gathered inspiration from other brands and images. After collating all of it together into a moodboard we could start to see what sort of themes were coming up a lot.
One thing we knew we wanted to create was a bag. Holly made lots of miniature patterns and samples, out of which the Fern bag was born! We wanted to create a padded bag but didn’t want to buy wadding the normal way. I saw it as a perfect opportunity to include more fabric scraps in our designs! We originally started using the scraps I had already accumulated and previously shredded to use in our fabric-waste earrings, but realised the padding wasn’t soft enough and moved around too much, so created a lumpy look - not ideal! It took till October to figure out what we could do instead. We found out about a fabric called “shoddy” which is made from recycled fabrics and works perfectly as wadding for our bags! It is typically used to make the insides of mattresses and so is lovely and soft and padded. We couldn’t be happier with how it adds texture to our bags and still involves saving textile waste from going to landfill.
We spent the next few months deciding on the sorts of accessories we wanted to make and so drawings, tech packs, and samples were created. We always aim to create designs that can be seasonless and simple (the unique, pre-loved fabrics are what give them their boldness I think).
We use pre-loved fabrics that we’re not going to use in collections to make our samples so that there’s no new fabric bought for this part of our design process either. And when we have finished the sample, we keep it so that it can be deconstructed and the fabric used in another future sample or in other projects.
October: Production and photoshoot
Using the pre-loved fabrics we accumulate over time (through donations or searching at second-hand stores), we assign the fabrics to the designs we think they’ll work well with (duvet covers are usually used for our pyjamas, curtain fabrics usually suit bags and hats better). Then, our lovely seamstresses, who are also based in London, help us with the production of the items after we have cut everything out in the studio.

The photoshoot is usually the most exciting part of the process because we see the finished items and our vision come to a reality! For this shoot, we had the wonderful Rosie Okotcha (slow fashion queen) model for us, and Rosella helped out on the day with the behind the scenes. We’re all so happy with how the photos turned out.

November: Launch
It has been a really transformative time for Re_considered (as described in my previous blog) and I think this collection really shows the work and development that has taken place. I’ve spent time perfecting our brand image, and thinking properly about how I want us to present ourselves. My work-life balance has completely shifted with our own space at Poplar Works and with Holly starting full-time. It has given me the space, both mentally and physically, to do things in a thought-through manner.
As well as launching a collection of products, we are also launching a specific custom rework product. You can get your old duvet covers turned into custom pyjamas. The design of the pyjama is exactly the same as our pyjama product (although it can be altered to fit), and will be made from your very own fabric - therefore adding an extra layer of story and meaning behind it - completely and utterly unique too! There is limited availability to get this done before Christmas (so get there quick!) - but we are planning to do more drops like this; a custom rework service based on products we have designed.
I can’t wait for you to see the collection!
Tabby x